Become a Member

There are many benefits to joining the U District Community Council, besides being an active participant in the transformation of our neighborhood into an urban center that retains its unique charm, quirky personality, and legacy small businesses. Each member can vote on business before the council and take pride in helping improve our community. 

To encourage a diverse membership, we are committed to keeping our dues at a nominal amount for each level, as it is codified in our By Laws. The annual membership levels are listed below. Please join us!

Sustaining Membership

Open to any sustaining member who lives, works, owns a property or business in the U District.


U District Neighborhood Organizations

The U District Community Council collaborates with the following local organizations: U District Advocates, U District Partnership, University Park Community Club, and the Associated Students of the University of Washington (ASUW).
U District Community Council
U District Advocates
U District Partnership
University Park Community Club

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